sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2011

Codigos para Age of Empires 3-PC

Carregar na tecla “Enter” e escrever os seguintes códigos:

A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese – Engorda todos os animais

Give me liberty or give me coin – Dá 10,000 moedas

Medium Rare Please – Dá 10,000 de comida

“censored” (trocar as aspas pelos sinais de maior e menor) – Dá 10,000 de madeira

Nova & Orion – Dá 10,000 de XP

tuck tuck tuck Aparece um – Monster Truck vermelho

X marks the spot – Revela o mapa todo

Codigos para Lego Star Wars Complete Saga

Destrave o Indiana Jones
Na Cantina, entre no Bonus Room e depois na porta Trailers.
Assista ao trailer do Lego Indiana Jones, e depois você poderá comprar o Indiana Jones por 50.000 blocos.

Lista de códigos de personagens e veículos
Entre com os códigos na cantina no menu Code do bar.

ACK646 - Admiral Ackbar.
KPF958 - Battle Droid Commander.
GGF539 - Boba Fett (Boy).
HHY697 - Boss Nass.
QRN714 - Captain Tarpals.
DDD748 - Count Dooku.
EUK421 - Darth Maul.
BRJ437 - Disguise.
AAB123 - Droid Tri-Fighter.
EWK785 - Ewok.
PMN576 - General Grievous.
ZZR636 - Greedo.
GUA850 - Imperial Guard.
HUT845 - Imperial Shuttle.
CLZ738 - Jedi grapple move.
MUN486 - Ki Adi Mundi.
LUM521 - Luminara.
VBJ322 - Padme.
EVILR2 - Recolored r2d2.
PRX482 - Taun We.
INT729 - Tie Interceptor.
DBH897 - TieFighter.
NBN431 - Stormtrooper.
GIJ989 - IG88.
KLJ897 - Jango Fett.
BDC866 - Vulture Droid.
PLL967 - Watto.
584HJF - Zam Wesell.
UUU875 - Zam's Speeder.

sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Codigos para Half Life 2 (PC)

Primeiro você tem que ir nas opções e ativar o console de desenvolvedor, e apertar o "~", e escrever "sv_cheats 1"

Pelo lado do servidor, você pode atravessar paredes;

viewmodel_fov X
Para alterar o tamanho da arma que está sendo carregada (54 = padrão);

impulse 101
Obter todas as armas;

air_density X
Alterar a densidade do ar;

Para poder criar um NPC;

Cria um outro NPC longe da mira do jogador;

Hurtme X
Para causar danos a um jogador;

maps Displays
Ver uma lista com os mapas;

Para ativar a visão do mouse;

Para ter visão em Terceira pessoa;

Para ter a visão em Primeira Pessoa;

give X
Obter arma, objeto ou munição da lista:




Modo Deus (não perde vida e munição infinita;

Os NPC ficam invisíveis;

mat_numtextureunits X
Para limitar o número de unidades de textura onde 0 é o padrão;

Map X
Para carregar o mapa desejado;

Diminuir a saúde;

mat_depthbias_normal 1
Enxergar além das paredes;

sv_gravity X
Para ajustar o nível da gravidade;

dsp_explosion_effect_duration X
Alterar o nível dos efeitos sonoros.

sv_stopspeed X
Para ajustar a velocidade Mínima de parada na terra;

sv_waterdist X
Para ajustar a visão vertical próximo do plano da água;

sv_friction X
Ajustar o atrito do mundo;

sv_bounce X
Ajustar o multiplier para colisões físicas;

Developer X
Para ajustar o modo de desenvolvedor ligado = 0, desligado= 1;

sv_maxvelocity X
Ajustar a velocidade de um objeto;

hud_quickhelp/text? 1
Mostrar o cursor da mira;

cl_showfps 1
Mostrar Framerate;

impulse 82
Para fazer aparecer um Jeep;

Codigos para The Sims 3

Quando voce quiser usar os codigos, aperte ctrl+shift+c e digite testingcheatsenabled true.
Entao aperte ctrl+shift+c novamente e digite o codigo que quiser.

help - Ao digitar help, uma lista com a maioria dos cheats disponíveis abaixo aparecerá, aí é só escolher o seu preferido e pronto! =D

Kaching - Você ganha $1,000 Simoleons.

Motherlode - Você ganha $50,000 Simoleons.

shazaam - Dá +2,500 pontos de felicidade ao Sim selecionado.

freerealestate - Ignora o preço quando você compra um novo lote.

modify traits - Modifica ou apaga as características de um Sim.

add to household - Adiciona o Sim selecionado a casa que você está jogando no momento.

set age [número] - Você modifica a idade de um Sim. Por exemplo, se você quer mudar a idade de um Sim para 20 anos, digite o código set age 20. =)

edit in cas - Leva o Sim novamente ao menu de criaçaõ de um Sim.

set career [carreira/nível] - Escolhe uma profissão para o seu sim e o nível dele nela.

force opportunity - Clique no construtor de carreira para forçar uma oportunidade.

force event - Clique no construtor de carreira para um evento profissional aleatório.

force all events - Clique no construtor de carreira para ter todos os eventos profissionais consecutivamente.

force service sim [nome] - Força que um Sim trabalhador específico apareça.

force visitor - Força que os seus vizinhos venham lhe visitar.

make me know everyone - O Sim selecionado conhece todos os outros Sims da vizinhança.

make friends for me - Faz um punhado de amigos aleatórios para o Sim selecionado.

make happy - Deixa o humor de todos os moradores da casa perfeito. =)

make motives [static ou dynamic] - Deixa a motivação dos moradores da casa em modo estático ou dinâmico.

unlockOutfits [on ou off] - Possibilita que você veja todos os uniformes da sua profissão.

moveObjects [on ou off] - Você pode mover os objetos da sua casa para qualquer lugar do mapa.

resetSim [primeiro nome] [segundo nome] - Faz com que os Sims retornem são e salvos e de maneira neutra para a casa.

constrainFloorElevation [true ou false] - Força ajustes no terreno mesmo que nele existam objetos, Sims e outras estruturas.

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on ou off] - Os objetos não ocuparão slots quando você segurar a tecla ALT.

fadeObjects [on ou off] - Os objetos ficam meio transparentes ao seu sim passar próximo a eles.

snapObjectsToAngle [true ou false] - Muda o ângulo da visão em 45º

snapObjectsToGrid [true ou false] - Altera a grade dos objetos

hideHeadlineEffects [on ou off] - Mostra balões de fala/pensamento em cima da cabeça dos Sims.

jokePlease - Exibe uma piada aleatória no console.

enablellamas [on ou off] - Ativa a mensagem das Llamas?!

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Lancamentos janeiro/fevereiro/marco 2012 para Xbox

Aqui esta a lista dos jogos confirmados para janeiro/fevereiro/marco e 2012 para Xbox, mas lembramos que as datas podem sofrer alteracoes, mas nos provavelmente avisaremos voces.

-Lollipop Chainsaw
-Anarchy Reigns
-Armored Core V
-Final Fantasy XIII 2
-BioSchok Infinite
-Far Cry 3
-SoulCalibur V Collector's Edition
-Kingdoms of Alamur Reckoning
-Binary Domain
-The Darkness II
-Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
-Devil May Cry HD Collection
-UFC Undisputed 3
-Ninja Gaiden 3
-Brothers in Arms: Furios Four
-Asura's Wrath
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier
-Mass Effect 3
-Resident Evil: Opration Racoon City
-Street Fighter vs Tekken

MW3 - Todos os titulos e emblemas

FNG (fuc*ing New Guy) - level 1

S.S.D.D. (Same sh*t Different Day) - level 2

Sgt (Sergeant) Sergeant" - level 20

1st Sgt (First Sergeant) - Reach Rank Sergeant Major II" - level 28

1st Lt (Lieutenant) - Reach Rank "Captain" - level 44

Maj (Major) - Reach Rank "Colonel" - level 52

Gen (General) - Reach Rank "Major General II" - level 76

Commander - Unlocked at Commander - Lv80

Sarge - Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv25

30 Something - Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv35

High Command - Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv45

A Major Pain Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv55

Schooled - Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv65

Back Again - Unlocked at Prestige 1 - Lv75

The Prestige - Unlocked at Prestige 1.

Round 2 - Unlocked at Prestige 2.

ThirdTimeCharm - Unlocked at Prestige 3

4 The Record - Unlocked at Prestige 4

Five Sided Fistagon - Unlocked at Prestige 5

6 Feet Under - Unlocked at Prestige 6

Lucky7 - Unlocked at Prestige 7

Hard Eight - Unlocked at Prestige 8

9Lives - Unlocked at Prestige 9

Prestige 10 - Unlocked at Prestige 10

ELITE - Unlocked via Call of Duty Elite Elite Premium

ELITE - Unlocked via Call Of Duty Elite (Elite Founder Membership before November 14th, or Hardened edition.)

Far Superior - Buy the Regular Package in the Prestige Shop.

Sidekick - Get 3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon.

NBK - Get 3 longshots in one life.

Flyswatter - Shoot down an enemy helicopter.

Early Detection - Kill 3 enemies while they are planting a bomb.

Rival - Kill the same enemy 5 times in a single match.

Stunner - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun grenade. (Direct impact)

The Denier - Kill an enemy before they earn a 10 or higher killstreak reward.

So Intense - Defuse 2 Bombs.

Quickdraw - Hurt an enemy with a primary weapon, then finish them off with a

Absentee Killer - Get a game wining killcam with a sentry gun.

Enemy of the State - Kill 3 enemies while you are the only surviving member of your team.

Bomb's Away - Kill 6 enemies with a single Stealth Bomber.

The Mad Bomber - Plant 2 bombs.

Explosive Ordinance - Win 15 Search and Destroy Matches.

Afterburner - Call in an airstrike 2 times in a single match.

Death From Above - Get a Game Winning Killcam with an AC-130

The Invincible - Get 5 health regenerations from enemy damage in a row, without dying.

Hard Target - Get a 2 kill streak with bullets while in mid-air.

Wargasm - Get all 3 killstreak rewards within 20 seconds.

The Avenger - Avenge a fallen teammate.

Laying the Boom - Kill a bomb carrier in Sabotage or Search and Destroy.

Techno Killer - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Stealth Bomber.

OG - Get a Game Winning Killcam with an Attack Helicopter.

Smile For The Camera - Get a Predator missile kill in the Game Winning Killcam.

Unbelieveble - Get a throwing knife kill in game winning killcam.

Blunt Trauma - Kill 2 enemies with the shield melee attack.

Owned - Final Kill Cam with a Riot Shield.

Top Gun - Call in an attack helicopter 2 times in a single match.

Live Long - Survive 5 Consecutive Minutes.

Flatliner - Get a 3 or more kill streak while near death (Screen Flashing Red).

Blood Brothers - Win 15 Team Deathmatch matches.

Stun Gun - Kill 1 enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade.

Stickman - Stick a Semtex to the enemy in a Game Winning Killcam.

It's Personal - Hurt an enemy then finish them with a Throwing Knife.

New Jak - Get a Payback with a Throwing Knife.

The Legend - Be the last man standing in Search and Destroy

Transformer - Get a Game Winning Killcam with a Pave Low.

The Mastadon - Play an entire match of any game type with a 5:1 kill/ death ratio.

All Your Base - Kill every member of the enemy team (at least 4 enemies) without dying.

The Bigger They Are - Kill the top player 3 times in a row.

The Harder They Fall - Kill the top player 5 times in a row.

Money Shot - Get a Payback in the game winning killcam.

Rainmaker - Get a payback that sticks to the victim.

Time is Money - Get payback 5 times with semtex.

I'm Rich - Get payback 5 times with C4.

Mad Man - Get Payback 5 times with Frag Grenades.

Blood Money - Get Payback 5 times with headshots.

Drifter - Destroy a Car.

Dishes are done - Get a payback with a claymore.

Devastator - Kill every member of the enemy team. (4 enemy minimum)

Omnicide - Kill the entire enemy team within 10 seconds

Backsmasher - Crush an enemy from behind (riot shield)

Streaker - Kill 10 enemies in a single match without dying.

To The Extreme - Win a Team Hardcore Match with the top score.

All Pro - Headshot two or more enemies with a single bullet.

Public Enemy - Play team deathmatch and get the top score overall.

Accident Prone - Fall 15 feet or more and survive.

No - Kill an enemy cooking a frag grenade.

Smash Hit - Get a 3 kill streak with the Riot Shield without dying.

The Ripper - Get a 3 melee kill streak without dying.

Lights Out - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a flashbang. (Direct

Perfectionist - Fire an entire Sniper magazine into your enemies without

Silence - Kill someone with a throwing knife while flashed or stunned.

Rejected - Destroy 5 enemy equipments.

Kleptomaniac - Kill 3 different people with 3 different weapons in one

<3 - Kill yourself and 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it.

Toxic - Get killed by an enemy M.O.A.B.

Living Dead - Survive Final Stand.

Martyr - Get 1 kill with a Martyrdom deathstreak.

UAV Rays - counter the enemy's UAV 3 times in a single match.

Enemy with Benefits - Kill multiple enemies with a Semtex stuck to one of

Skeet Shooter - Kill an enemy that is in mid-air.

Bow Down - Kill 15 enemies while you are crouching.

Pushin' Daisies - Fall 30 feet or more to your death.

Boilermaker - Kill 5 enemies by destroying cars.

Think Fast - Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a frag gernade. (Direct Impact)

Noob Tuber - Kill an enemy with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher without detonation. (Direct impact)

Portable Radar - Kill 25 enemies within the proximity of your Portable Radar.

Highlander - Play an entire full-length match without dying.

Backstabber - Stab an enemy in the back with your knife.

Take a Stab - Kill 15 players with a Throwing Knife.

The Specialist - Earn the All Perks Bonus 8 times.

Crackin' Skulls - Kill 25 enemies with a headshot while using an assault rifle.

Flashbang - Flash 25 enemies.

Concussion - Stun 25 enemies.

EMP Grenade - EMP 25 enemies.

Pineapple Express - Kill 25 enemies with grenades.

BAM! - Kill 10 enemies with cooked grenades.

Bouncer - Kill 15 enemies with Bouncing Betties.

Head up - Get a game winning killcam by dropping a crate on the enemy.

The Feared - Place first, second or third in 5 Free-for-all matches.

Ghillie in the Mist - Get 100 one-shot kills with sniper rifles.

Low Profile - Kill 15 enemies while you are prone.

Pop Off - Kill 25 enemies with headshots while using a submachine gun.

Unbreakable - Deflect 100 explosions with your riot schield.

Protect And Serve - Absorb 50000 damage with your riot schield.

Joint Ops - Get 15 assists.

Over Achiever - Earn 3 stars in all Special Ops missions.

Sleight of Hand Pro - Get 300 kills using Sleight of Hand.

Hardline Pro - Get 200 killstreaks while using Hardline.

Assassin Pro - Get 50 kills while enemy UAV is up and using Assassin.

Quickdraw Pro - Get 200 kills within a few seconds of aiming down your sights while using Quickdraw.

Blastshield Pro - Survive 50 explosions while using blastshield.

Marksman Pro - Get 125 kills while holding breath and using Marksman.

Stalker Pro - Get 300 kill while aiming down sights and using Stalker.

Kick - Use Kick Proficiency to kill 300 enemies while aiming down sights.

Attachments - Use Attachments Proficiency to kill 300 enemies while using a weapon with two attachements.

UAV Expert -call in 150 Assault UAVs.

Quickdraw Specialist - Earn quickdraw 150 times.

M4A1 (Silver) - Get 500 kills with this weapon.

M4A1 (Gold) - achieve weapon level 29 with this weapon.

SCAR-L (Silver) - Get 500 Kills with this weapon.

SCAR-L (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

G36c (Silver) - Get 500 Kills with this weapon.

G36c (Gold) - Achieve Maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

UMP45 (Silver) - Get 500 Kills with this weapon.

UMP45 (Gold) - Achieve Maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

L118A (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

MP9 (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

USP .45 (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

FMG9 (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

MP412 (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

.44 Magnum (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

Skorpion (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

Desert Eagle (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

P99 (Gold) - Achieve maximum weapon proficiency with this weapon.

Aliens no BF3???

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Pessoal, o Gamesgibafran esta voltando, agora muito melhor do que antes, com mais videos, codigos etc